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44 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

What Is It Like to Be a Bat?

Nagel, Thomas
What Is It Like to Be a Bat?
This book is a fiftieth anniversary republication of Thomas Nagel's "What Is It Like to Be a Bat?", a classic article in the philosophy of mind. Through its argument for the irreducible subjectivity of consciousness, it played an essential role in making the study of consciousness a central part of philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. It also spurred the now flourishing scientific attention to the consciousness of non-human creatures: mam...

CHF 20.50

What Is It Like to Be a Bat? / Wie ist es, eine Fledermau...

Nagel, Thomas / Diehl, Ulrich / Diehl, Ulrich
What Is It Like to Be a Bat? / Wie ist es, eine Fledermaus zu sein?
Radikal, provokativ und erhellend zugleich: Nagels berühmter Essay von 1974 ist einer der am häufigsten zitierten philosophischen Aufsätze des 20. Jahrhunderts. Fledermäuse haben Erfahrungen von sich und der Welt, die uns Menschen sehr fremd sind. Diese Erfahrungen sind jedoch eine subjektive Realität, die sich nicht vollständig auf objektiv erforschbare Vorgänge in Organismus, Gehirn und Nervensystem reduzieren lässt: Letztlich geht es Nagel ...

CHF 10.50

Moral Feelings, Moral Reality, and Moral Progress

Nagel, Thomas
Moral Feelings, Moral Reality, and Moral Progress
This volume presents two closely related essays by Thomas Nagel: "Gut Feelings and Moral Knowledge, " discusses the value of intuitions in understanding human rights and argues against subjectivist and reductionist accounts of morality of the kind offered by evolutionary psychology or based on brain scans. The second essay, "Moral Reality and Moral Progress, " proposes an account of the historical development of moral truth, according to which...

CHF 29.90

Analytic Philosophy and Human Life

Nagel, Thomas
Analytic Philosophy and Human Life
This book collects Thomas Nagel's recent philosophical reflections on topics of fundamental interest: ethics, moral psychology, science and religion, death, the holocaust, and the metaphysics of mind. The essays are all addressed to a general audience and should appeal not only to philosophers but to anyone interested in current attempts to understand human life, human values, and how we fit into the world. Among the figures discussed are Pete...

CHF 36.50


Nagel, Thomas
Düsünce icin bazi rasyonel gerekliliklerin olmasi gibi eylem icin de bazi rasyonel gereklilikler vardir. Bu kitap, belirli bir etik anlayisi ve özgeciligin insanin arzu ve eylemleri icerisindeki rasyonel gerekliliklerden biri oldugunu ileri süren bir insan dogasi görüsünü savunrnaktadir. Buradaki özgecilik, degersiz ya da amacsiz bir özveri degil, art niyet icemieksizin diger insanlarin ilgilerini düsünerek gönüllü eylemde bulunmayi ifade etme...

CHF 23.90

Concealment and Exposure: And Other Essays

Nagel, Thomas
Concealment and Exposure: And Other Essays
Thomas Nagel is widely recognized as one of the top American philosophers working today. Reflecting the diversity of his many philosophical preoccupations, this volume is a collection of his most recent critical essays and reviews. The first section, Public and Private, focuses on the notion of privacy in the context of social and political issues, such as the impeachment of President Clinton. The second section, Right and Wrong, discusses mo...

CHF 67.00

Die Kochertalbrücke

Nagel, Reiner / Hermann, Winfried / Döring, Walter / Leonhardt, Fritz / Hagdorn, Hans / Braun, Jürgen / Meyder, Simone / Hascher, Michael / Thomas, Lehmann / Harsch, Frank / Bauer, Roland
Die Kochertalbrücke
Die Kochertalbrücke ist Deutschlands höchste Brücke und die größte Balkenkonstruktion der Welt. Inzwischen ist sie Bau-Ikone und Kulturdenkmal geworden. Wie sich nach der Wiedervereinigung gezeigt hat, war ihr Bau auch ein Meilenstein für Europa, denn sie verbindet Paris mit Prag. Ihr imposantes Auftreten hat dem Kochertal eine neue Kontur gegeben und ihren Dörfern und Gemeinden eine neue Identität. Dieses Buch zeigt in Essays und Fotografien,...

CHF 44.50

The Last Word

Nagel, Thomas
The Last Word
If there is such a thing as reason, it has to be universal. Reason must reflect objective principles whose validity is independent of our point of view - principles that anyone with enough intelligence ought to be able to recognize as correct. But this universality of reason is what relativists and subjectivists deny in ever-increasing numbers. And such subjectivism is not just an inconsequential intellectual flourish or badge of theoretical c...

CHF 57.50

Was bedeutet das alles? Eine ganz kurze Einführung in die...

Nagel, Thomas / Gebauer, Michael
Was bedeutet das alles? Eine ganz kurze Einführung in die Philosophie
Die klassische kleine Einführung in die Philosophie von Thomas Nagel wurde zum Vorbild und titelgebenden Band der Reihe [Was bedeutet das alles?] und findet in verständlicher Form Antworten auf die großen Fragen des Lebens: Woher wissen wir etwas? Wie hängen Körper und Geist zusammen? Was bedeuten Wörter? Gibt es Willensfreiheit wirklich? Was ist Recht und was ist Unrecht? Was ist der Tod? Und worin könnte der Sinn des Lebens bestehen?

CHF 17.50

The History of Islamic Theology

Nagel, Tilman / Thornton, Thomas
The History of Islamic Theology
A study of Islam. Using the Koran and other primary sources, Tilman Nagel delves into Islamic history as he traces the development of Islamic doctrine. He explores the centrality of the Koran in Islamic theology and examines its canonization process and the themes of its message.

CHF 175.00

È possibile una giustizia globale?

Nagel, Thomas / Pellegrino, G.
È possibile una giustizia globale?
L'impresa di dare forma a un ideale comprensibile di giustizia globale è strettamente connessa a due questioni cruciali: la relazione fra giustizia e sovranità e l'ampiezza e i limiti dell'eguaglianza, intesa come una naturale richiesta di giustizia. Se guardiamo allo sviluppo storico delle concezioni di giustizia e di legittimità dello Stato-nazione, sembra che di solito la sovranità abbia preceduto la legittimità e mai -come sarebbe più ovvi...

CHF 15.90

The Last Word

Nagel, Thomas
The Last Word
If there is such a thing as reason, it has to be universal. Reason must reflect objective principles whose validity is independent of our point of view - principles that anyone with enough intelligence ought to be able to recognize as correct. But this universality of reason is what relativists and subjectivists deny in ever-increasing numbers. And such subjectivism is not just an inconsequential intellectual flourish or badge of theoretical c...

CHF 146.00

Secular Philosophy & Relig Tempreament C

Nagel, Thomas
Secular Philosophy & Relig Tempreament C
This volume collects recent essays and reviews by Thomas Nagel in three subject areas. The first section, including the title essay, is concerned with religious belief and some of the philosophical questions connected with it, such as the relation between religion and evolutionary theory, the question of why there is something rather than nothing, and the significance for human life of our place in the cosmos. It includes a defense of the rele...

CHF 57.50

Computational Geotechnics

Nagel, Thomas / Böttcher, Norbert / Görke, Uwe-Jens / Kolditz, Olaf
Computational Geotechnics
In this book, effective computational methods to facilitate those pivotal simulations using open-source software are introduced and discussed with a special focus on the coupled thermo-mechanical behavior of the rock salt. A cohesive coverage of applying geotechnical modeling to the subsurface storage of hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources is accompanied by specific, reproducible example simulations to provide the reader with direc...

CHF 77.00

Concealment and Exposure: And Other Essays

Nagel, Thomas
Concealment and Exposure: And Other Essays
Thomas Nagel is widely recognized as one of the top American philosophers working today. Reflecting the diversity of his many philosophical preoccupations, this volume is a collection of his most recent critical essays and reviews. The first section, Public and Private, focuses on the notion of privacy in the context of social and political issues, such as the impeachment of President Clinton. The second section, Right and Wrong, discusses mor...

CHF 67.00

Questioni mortali. Le risposte della filosofia ai problem...

Nagel, Thomas / Veca, S. / Besussi, A.
Questioni mortali. Le risposte della filosofia ai problemi della vita
Questioni mortali" raccoglie gli interventi più incisivi di Thomas Nagel- uno dei massimi esponenti della filosofia analitica statunitense - sui dilemmi fondamentali che interessano il senso, la natura e il valore dell'esistenza umana. La gamma dei temi affrontati è ampia e ricca di implicazioni concrete: dalla vita privata a quella pubblica, dai grandi quesiti di metafisica, filosofia della mente e teoria della conoscenza ai rapporti tra biol...

CHF 36.90

Geist und Kosmos

Nagel, Thomas / Wördemann, Karin
Geist und Kosmos
In seinem viel diskutierten Buch bläst Thomas Nagel zum Generalangriff auf die etablierte naturwissenschaftliche Weltsicht. Diese hat sich die Reduktion des menschlichen Geistes auf physikalische Gesetze auf die Fahnen geschrieben, ohne allerdings mit einer Theorie, die Bewusstsein, Denken und Werte erklärt, aufwarten zu können. Dass eine solche Weltsicht zwangsläufig unvollständig, ja mit ziemlicher Sicherheit falsch ist, ist die zentrale The...

CHF 23.90

Geist und Kosmos

Nagel, Thomas / Wördemann, Karin
Geist und Kosmos
Über eines sind sich die meisten Naturwissenschaftler heute einig: Das Bild, das die exakten Wissenschaften - insbesondere Physik und Evolutionsbiologie - von der Welt zeichnen, ist im Wesentlichen korrekt und alles, was existiert, kann im Prinzip mit deren Methoden erklärt werden. Und in der Tat: Die Fortschritte, die diese materialistische Standardtheorie vorzuweisen hat, sind beträchtlich. Aber es gibt auch noch Lücken: Der menschliche Geis...

CHF 35.50